Do you need professional transportation for your goods? Our trucking services offer a reliable and efficient solution for transporting your shipments.
In addition to air and sea transport, we also offer traditional road freight, both FTL and LTL (groupage).
Our experienced drivers ensure that your goods arrive at the right destination on time, so you don’t have to worry about any delays or damage. Our drivers also have experience with low-loader transport and special transport (heavy transport).
We also offer valuable additional services, such as handling customs documents and offering warehousing.
Let us handle all your road transport. No matter how urgent, dangerous, complex, or exceptional the goods are, we know how to get them to their destination. Choose our trucking services, and let us take care of your transportation problems. Feel free to contact us for more information. We are ready to help you with transporting your goods.
The rates for road transportation vary, of course, per task. Would you like to use groupage? Do you have heavy transport that needs to be transported? Where does your cargo need to go? These are some of the questions that need to be answered. Easily request a quote through our website. Then we’ll let you know as soon as possible what the costs will be for your road transport.
It’s been a year full of growth and development for Lukotrans. Our company continued to expand our services and reach new heights in the transportation industry. The following are some of our standout numbers from the year.